Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Now what is going on?

Wow, since July 24th we have had a busy time here at our house. Going with Rita to so many graduation parties and getting her ready for her trip to Indonesia to join Chuck and his family. Not only will she be able to enjoy Indonesia but she also gets to go to Australia! Taking Rita to NYC for her flight and spending my Birthday with Robert and Erin.

Daily updates and photos on our Hadley from Seattle and daily phone calls from Edward in Vermont...who loves to talk to Me Ma and Pa Pa! Busy time and great memories!

This past weekend we celebrated Grandpa Ball's 82nd birthday while camping as an extended family of all of his children and as many of his grandchildren and great grandchildren that could come to Moreau State Campground, Moreau, NY.
There was a flag flown over the White House on his birthday for his years in the Marines, his service as an Honor Guard for Harry S. Truman's inauguration, and to honor his birthday!

We never got a group photo, how forgetful we are getting, with our new Ball family shirts that Chuck got for the whole family, but here is the favorite photo subject of everyone from camping. Our photogenic grandson, Edward.

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