Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Today so far is quiet. Dad went off to work and will be back about 2:30 pm. Rita is still asleep and I am catching up on family blogs, doing my devotions, and painting. We are not traveling today but will have a quiet day and I am making a Shepherd's pie for dinner and of course a pumpkin pie also.
We will travel to Aunt Linda and Uncle John's north of Utica on Saturday for the turkey meal and getting together with everyone. This year the only child we will add to the mix will be Rita. Robert and Erin, Naomi and Ben, Channah and Tyler, and Chuck and his family will all not be coming. I trust they will have a wonderful Turkey Day and Thanksgiving for what all has been done in their families over the past year!

Chuck and Miyoko will celebrate 10 years of marriage this year on the 28th! Sure seems like just a short time ago they married and wow, 10 years already!

On December 5th I will participate in a craft show to sell my stone paintings, oven towels, golf towels, and pens and pencils I made. They tell me everyone will want to buy them and if so I will be happy and maybe participate in another craft show but we will see.
Have a Wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving. Be safe traveling and enjoy family! Oh, Miyoko, remember the Thanksgiving we had last year and our pie fiasco!
Love and prayers,

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