Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Visit to Vermont, Robert and Erin's update

Last Friday we went to Vermont to visit Naomi and Ben. We were able to get alot accomplished for the wedding. We got the cake ordered, two flower assessments, and invitations perused! Naomi and Ben just have to make the last arrangements and all will be on for May 24th 2009 wedding at 6pm in the Sunset Ballroom. Here is the link to their Honeymoon website: http://www.thehoneymoon.com/couples/find?name=ball&date%5Bmonth%5D=5&date%5Byear%5D=2009. They are planning on going to Mexico for their honeymoon!

Robert and Erin finished up the work on their kitchen remodeling and everything looks great. We cannot wait to see it in person!
http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/3XGwLwgwW66g0VApl0kXLg?authkey=LGXwvPXactM. Check out all the pictures!

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